Chromatical's Launch Debrief Spreadsheet

Chromatical's Launch Debrief Spreadsheet


Gotta tell you, I bloody LOVE a launch!!! (Can ya tell?)

But I know sooo many people do a launch, base the results on gut feel, often feel deflated about what happened, or move onto the next launch with no real information other than ‘that went well’.

They haven't looked at what happened, what they did, what worked, what didn't, what brought in the best results, what flopped, what could be optimised, oh my gosh SO MUCH!!

They just go 'oh well that tanked' or 'ooh that went well I think', and either move straight onto the next thing without knowing what to improve or change, or scrap the idea all together instead of trying again and lose all their motivation to launching again, which then actually impacts their next launch and then it's a downwards spiral that then adds to their belief that what they do isn't good. I SO want to change that! Data and debriefs can do that.

When you see something in your debrief that lets down your launch, it simply means there's opportunity to improve it!! And that's exciting!! On the flip side, if you identify things that converted SO WELL, you know to do more of that! But if you don't debrief after your launches, you don't know what you need to do to change things. And it's SO important you do.

EG: When I launched The Experience, I noticed after my launch, that my webinar landing page had a really low conversion rate, but my webinar itself had a really HIGH conversion rate. Which means the more people who joined my webinar, I'd have made more sales. And if I just optimised the landing page to convert higher, I'd improve make more sales next time. If I didn't debrief that, I'd never have known, and just thought 'well that's what my launches do!'

Debriefing after your launch is SO important!! You get so many insights when prompted that you never knew you even could know!! You need those prompts.

SO... I'm sharing with you my own launch debrief spreadsheet that I use when I finish a launch.

It's designed to help you be able to visually see your launch from all sorts of angles, from the data and facts, to analysing how you actually feel about it, and space to take all the learnings to plan for your next one.

Oooooh it helps so much! I'm so excited to share this with you.

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