Chromatical's Community Outreach Tracker

Chromatical's Community Outreach Tracker


So, what is Community Outreach?? Let me share because it's soooo gooooooooood!!

You know how we follow so many people on socials? Customers, clients, friends, business friends, people who we want to recognise us, or who we want to build relationships with?

Well, something we often focus on is engaging with people after they engage with us (we reply to their comments) or we do a scroll through our feed/stories and we engage with whatever comes up. BUT… it’s done without a strategy and a lot of it is done by relying on people to reach out to us first!

Something you can do to improve the engagement coming in, to connect with people who are important to you, to get in front of people who you want to network with… is community outreach. Which essentially means connecting with people externally (intentionally reaching out to people and engaging), instead of just connecting internally (waiting for people to comment/message you).

Like, imagine you wanted to get on the radar of 10 different podcasters that you love, in the hope they'd feature you on their podcast! Well, you add them to your community outreach tracker, and either you or your social media manager goes through the list each day/week and ensures that your name is showing up in their notifications.

Or imagine you have a VIP list of customers? And you want to make sure they're loved and supported as they are your best customers. You can use tracker to make sure that you or your team engage with them!

Or imagine you work with 20 clients per month. Pop them on your tracker to make sure you support them and don't miss their posts!

Or imagine your focus for the year is to build your authority in your niche, you might put the big names who you'd love to network with/form relationships with on your tracker to make sure you don't miss connecting with them and so your name keeps showing up in the hope they recognise you and you can connect!

Or imagine you're on a PR blitz, but before you start sending out your press releases, you want to build relationships with the relevant journalists so that they recognise your name when your press release comes in!

This tracker is simple, but important if you want to track the results of your outreach and do it with intention.

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