Leda from Woof and Wonder Case Study


This Case Study is a little different to the usual.

I got a bunch of insta messages one day from Leda from Woof and Wonder absolutely beside herself with joy at one of her recent launches.

She said “Trish!!! I followed what the club advised from ALL the club posts and I literally had the biggest launch of my business.......a massive, massive success ❤️ Writing you an email today! I want you to know every detail :) (I’ll actually make a club post about it!!) We are hoping to buy a house in the spring and THIS launch literally is making it possible for us to make that real”.

So this was pretty serious and I needed to know EVERYTHING… Because knowing where Leda had come from back when we started working together, I was DARN excited.

I’m going to copy and paste her email below.


During my very first chat with Trish, I had NO idea who I was or where I hoped to go with my business. I had a completely different business name, 700 IG followers, NO email list (or knowledge of how to make one) and no roadmap or true goals. In short, I was scared, worried, self-critical, and ready to give up before I started. Well, Trish rolled up her sleeves and was READY to change all that!

We began with Trish asking me amazing and thought-provoking questions such as "What would be ONE of your dreams for your business? Think BIG" I was so self-conscious that I could barely answer this question! I said "Have my products in retail stores" and Trish very cheerfully said: "That's it?" - that's when I knew that SHE was THE PERSON. Today, my products are sold in over 40 brick and mortar stores across the US, Canada, and Mexico.

When I began, I was scared and unsure. I had never worked with a marketing whiz before but I decided to fully dive in and take Trish's questions and suggestions very seriously. I wanted to make the best use of my investment into Chromatical (and the Club later on). I took notes and took ACTION on anything I could study. This took time, trust (this was the easy part!), and most of all patience. You have to do the work.

I never felt like I would find a marketing guru (yes, Trish, I actually call you my "guru" to people in my life) that understood me and truly understood my fears.

From Day 1, I felt that Trish deeply connected to every unsure and fearful corner of my mind and nudged me toward bravery. I told her "It's impossible for me to get to 1K followers on IG" and while she disagreed, she also turned it into a lesson on WHY follower count isn't crucial (she was right - today I have 7200 with sales numbers that still make my head spin).

I was scared of failing and terrified of never becoming successful after putting my heart into my products.

Trish never gave up on me, she was my LOUDEST cheerleader and biggest advocate.

Now that I've joined the club, I feel that I will ALWAYS have a group of my biggest fans, cheerleaders, and fellow businesswomen to help guide me (and us!) toward greater success.

Chromatical is the BEST investment I've ever made into my business and I HIGHLY recommend it to ANYBODY who wants to LEVEL UP and needs a guru to guide, support, celebrate, and SKY-ROCKET their business to new heights. Chromatical changed the entire path of my business. <3 (Leda bolded that in the email, not me!)

Here comes the launch overview.

As you know, I had a massive, amazing viral product launch on Wednesday and I wanted to give you all the details in "easy to read" email as possible! Please don't hesitate to ask questions if I forgot anything----it was a whirlwind day.


I've been posting on TikTok AT LEAST 3-4 times a week and making myself knowledgeable on the trends going on in that space. I NEVER used to be a "trend seeker" but I made it easy on myself by checking popular trending songs on a website called TikTometer and playing with those in my posts. One such post was "I can't talk right now.....I'm doing hot girl shit" (Megan Thee Stallion rapper song lyric).

From the moment I heard that lyric, I IMMEDIATELY knew that I could make this a "dog mom" item. I got to work planning a t-shirt with that sentence. The most important part was picking a "trending" font design which (right now) is small, bold, serif fonts.

I think the best stroke of luck came with the "acid wash" style of t-shirt I chose to screenprint my design on-----mind you, I just KNEW this design would be popular because of how simple and unique the colors were and how they suited a BROAD range of fashion styles.


Based on some posts I read in the club, I decided that posting the image of the tshirt with a VERY trendy tiktok song with an announce date FIVE DAYS ahead of my launch was crucial. To this day, this "new product alert" Tiktok has ~220K views. Super important: I used 2-3 hot keywords on tiktok followed by relevant ones. I repeated these steps on Instagram. My DMs were FLOODED with excited customers that were begging for the exact times of release with MANY CUSTOMERS SETTING ALARMS ON THEIR PHONES so they don't miss it. WOW.


TikTok followers JUMPED. Here is analytics on that directly from my tiktok account.



I also took advantage of this hot time by offering EARLY access to my release if my customers signed up for texts. I use an app in Shopify called Postscript SMS Marketing. Here is a screenshot of the analytics of that:

Screen Shot 2021-01-29 at 5.20.04 PM.png


I gave early access members an HOUR head start with the remaining following after. I've attached as many analytics screenshots as I can give (see below)! I think they tell the full story. :) The screenshot I sent of JAN 27
is LAUNCH DAY, so I hope that helps. I will also send a screenshot of THIS MONTH (1/2021) compared to this month last year (1/2020). I think it will excite you. ;)


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Screen Shot 2021-01-29 at 5.28.47 PM.png

THANK YOU TRISH for believing in me!! I am taking full advantage of this uptick by teasing upcoming products and I already have customers going crazy with email and DMs asking for releases. Absolutely a dream come true.

If there is ever a question in your mind whether or not to join the club….

I hope this answers it.


I remember where you were SO clearly when we talked the first time.

I could SEE the potential in you. I believed in you SO SO MUCH. And I knew with some guidance and support you could get and do anything. And you are.

Love you to bits.


Thank you SO much for allowing me to share this with my potential future Chromies in the hope it inspires them and lets them know that anything is possible for them too.

Please everyone go and follow Leda from Woof and Wonder. She’s SO INSPIRING.


Case StudyTrish Martin