Leanne from LaLaLea Case Study

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I’d like to introduce you to Leanne from LaLaLea. She joined Chromatical Club on the 27th of March 2020.

I popped up a post in the club asking if anyone had any results they wanted to share in a case study and Leanne said that she would love to share! And I was chuffed to see her name pop up. Why? Because in all honesty, she is the dream club member. She comes in, consumes so much information, helps out SO many people with sooo much support, love and kindness, asks her own questions, and then takes so much action.

I hope she doesn’t take offense to this, but I kind of consider her a Mother figure in the club. She is all about her Chromie community (or ‘Chrommunity’ as we call it), so she logs in to support everyone wherever they are in their business journey. She cares like a Mum would care about her own kids. She makes the business world feel like a family and it’s a really special place with her in the club. She’s the absolute best.

I hope you enjoy reading her club experience.


Why did you join Chromatical Club?

I had been following Trish and Chromatical on my socials for a while, and I already knew that I liked her positivity and energy.

had a coffee catch-up with a fellow Brisbane maker (Ange from The Coloured Bee) and we got to talking about memberships for small business owners, and she mentioned she had joined Chromatical Club and was really glad she did.

I went straight home and looked into it - at that time Trish was offering a 3-day free trial period, so I jumped in with allll of my questions and the answers and information I got back was incredible.

I knew then that it was the right place for me and I signed up straight away!

What did you hope to achieve from joining?

Initially I was really just hoping to get the support and guidance I needed so that I could make the decisions to grow and improve my own business.

Not only have I received amazing support, information, guidance and help since joining the Club, I've also become part of an amazing small business community who support each other, and who genuinely want to see each other succeed.

What were the biggest challenges you hoped the club could help with?

The biggest challenge for me was Instagram and social media!

I was very new to social media when I started my business - I knew nothing about Instagram or Facebook, but I just had to jump in and get started as I was using Instagram as the main platform to promote and grow my business.

I joined the Club in March 2020 with a little over 1000 followers. I now have 1440 followers which is amazing to me.

Through the Club I've learnt that it's not about the number of followers you have... but that ideally you want them to be engaged, to be interested in what you do and your business.

During my time in the Club I've gained confidence and learnt how to build my Insta community.

Trish and the Club have guided me and given me the confidence with my posts and content, and to not be afraid to share a little about myself so my community can get to know, like and trust me. It's exciting to see members of my community have become my customers, and some of them are even return customers!

What has been your prior experience with marketing?

I've had very little experience with marketing, but very soon after starting LaLaLea I realised I had so many questions and was struggling to find the answers and solutions that were right for me and my biz.

I've only ever signed up to one other marketing group and I didn't really get a lot from it, and didn't enjoy that it was a self-paced, Facebook Group model.

I also didn't feel like it was the right community for me being a new, small, product-based business. A lot of the information didn't really apply to my circumstances and I struggled with the self-paced elements, especially when I didn't have the knowledge I needed to complete the modules.

Having my own small business is something I've never done before - I've learnt so much already, but I still have so much more to learn and joining Chromatical Club was the best decision I could have made. It's provided me with a safe, encouraging space where I can jump in and ask all of my business questions, and I know Trish and the other members are there to support me and give me feedback, ideas and suggestions specific to me and my business.

How has Chromatical Club helped you?

The Club has helped me in every way - personally and in my business.

I was really struggling with all of the questions I had, and where to find the information that could help me and my business specifically.

I know that when I go into the Club and post a question, or ask for help with something, that I'll get so much support, answers and insights from Trish and other members that I wouldn't have gotten anywhere else.

Has the club helped you more than you expected?


More than anything it's given me the confidence to continue on this small biz journey.

Without the Club I don't think I would have had the knowledge or confidence to keep going.

What results have you achieved since joining the club?

In January this year I was launching a new product - my Purse/Crossbody bag.

One particular post about the upcoming release had 85 likes / 15 comments / 2 saves / 16 actions (profile/web visits) and reached 901 accounts.

These numbers were awesome compared to other posts I'd done before.

For that particular release I sold out of 6 bags, which had never happened before.

I have no doubt what I'd learned from Trish and the Club about building hype, hashtags, spending time to nurture and build my community, and getting people to know, like and trust me, is what contributed to the success of that particular post and bag release.

[Below you can see an example of a post before Leanne applied the learnings from the club, compared to after.]

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Do you think you'd be where you are now without the club?

I definitely don't think I'd be where I am without Chromatical Club.I've already learnt so much, but I've obviously got so much more to learn, and I'm excited to see what else I can achieve.

How would you put a value on what the club has done for you and your business?

The value I've gained from the Club is endless.

Trish puts so much time and effort into answering every single question in the Club.

Her answers are so specific to your needs and so incredibly helpful.

I don't think I would have had the success in my business as quickly as I have - I may have gotten there on my own eventually, but the Club has definitely contributed to where I am at in my business right now.

I've purchased a few of the e-books which are amazing.

They're so well written and the content is incredible and easy to understand and implement.

Everything about Chromatical Club is great value!

The monthly fees are incredible value for what you get. I've purchased several e-books which are amazing value. And I'm also a member of a Marketing Assembly Team (go Team Orange!) which has given me the opportunity to work specifically with Trish and my Team on my business.

What part of the club has surprised you the most?

I find the most value from the Club is the community it provides.

One of my own core values is community, and it's something that's really important to me, and I definitely get that from Chromatical Club.

Everyone is there to genuinely support and help each other, and it's a safe space to ask all of your questions - no judgement.

Who would you recommend the club to?

I'd recommend anyone in small business to join the club - whether it's service-based or product-based.

Come in and give it a try, you won't be sorry.

What do you love about Chromatical Club?

I love everything about Chromatical Club!

I love that Trish and everyone in the Club genuinely wants to see each other succeed and we're all there to help guide and support each other to do that.

I love that Trish has created additional little 'Teams' within the Club for the members (and they're free!) - I'm in the Market Go-ers Team, The Shopify Shop-Owners Team, The Jewellery and Accessory Team, and of course my paid Marketing Assembly Team.

These are so helpful when you've got specific questions to ask you can do it within the Team and most of the time someone has had the same question or experience.

Lastly, can you tell us a little more about your businesses and where we can find you online?

I'm Leanne and I'm the face behind LaLaLea.

I make unique handmade bags with colourful fabrics and washable paper, a plant-based leather alternative.

I'm in sunny Brisbane, creating and working from my home studio.

LaLaLea launched in September 2019 with a small range of tote bags and washable paper pots - since then our range of bags has increased to include Purselets, Pouches and Purse/Crossbody bags, and our signature Rainbow Pots.

You'll find me at lots of handmade markets around Brisbane, and you can also purchase through my website lalalea.com.au.

You can find me at:


