How fears and beliefs might be holding you back in business

I had a huge 1-hour call with a Chromie and then a meeting with my team to give me feedback on The Experience website page. Asking questions like "Does it make sense? What connects? What doesn't? What doesn't need to be there? What's missing? etc. And the thing they said was the biggest connection and 'omg that's me' section for them was what I want to share with you today... They were like 'Put that up higher, people need to hear that!!'

I wanted to pop it here in an email as I reckon it might just hit home for you too.


Have you ever said things like this?





But my question is...

Do you really mean 'you'd give anything?' Or are there deeper reasons why you haven't hit the buy button yet? (whether it's The Experience, or any program/course/coaching etc that you've been eyeing off from people you follow). ​

Because investing in something that could equal 'more sales', a business that 'works', quitting your day job, and literally a plan that tells you exactly what to do to figure out how to market your business effectively and efficiently, sounds like you just got the bargain of a lifetime considering you were willing to give 'anything'. ​ So what's really stopping you? It's hard questions but really impactful when you figure out what it is.

Is it the fear of failure?

Aren't you more likely to fail if you keep doing what you're already doing? Or would you do better if you had something designed to help you succeed?

Is it the discomfort of realising how far you were off track?

Then how does burying your head in the sand and avoiding that discomfort benefit you? Isn't it more uncomfortable doing that than facing it and getting back on track? The sooner you see what wrong turns you took, the sooner you can see the right path forward!

Are you worried it'll be just another thing you buy that you never even use?

This isn't a $30 ebook that you can let sit unopened in your inbox or a $199 course that you keep putting off for a rainy day. This is an investment. I bet that if you invest in this experience, you will not leave one single page of that plan blank and you'll fight to get your money's worth because it's a proper investment. And THAT is why I know it'll work for you because you will use it. You don't get results from things you don't use.

Are you worried you're too busy to do the work?

You're probably too busy because you're busting a gut marketing yourself for such a little return. But if you stopped to do this work, you'd find much easier ways to do all the things you're doing and get time BACK!

Are you worried you're not cut out for business?

I'm guessing you're basing that belief on the fact that your business hasn't gone as you anticipated. If I bake 50 cakes and they were all hard like rocks, I'd bet I wasn't cut out to be a baker too. But I know I'd think differently if someone actually taught me how to bake!

We have so many fears in business and they stop us from doing big things that we deep down know could change the things we really want to.

I don’t mean just in investing in things. But with so much. Some people fear failure, some fear being judged, some fear losing time with family, making mistakes, taking risks, omg so many, and I've had heaps of them myself (and sometimes still do).

Some people believe they aren’t cut out for business, they aren’t smart, they couldn’t be successful, they aren’t worthy of success and omg, I so hope that I can help you with that in module one of The Plan!!! That alone will help so much because I bet your bottom dollar they aren't true. ​

Soooo much holds us back and until we notice it and address those beliefs with actual truths (again we worth through this in module one…The reason being is because if you have beliefs and fears that stop you moving forward in your business, then no matter how much awesome marketing stuff I teach you, you might still be believing you can’t succeed which means you won’t. Big changes have to happen within you and how you see yourself in your business before we dig deep into actual marketing. There’s a reason why my plan works. Because it includes the deep impactful stuff that is transformative inside and out, and that lays structural and sturdy foundations for you to build your marketing plan on.)

So… if any of those resonate, think them through and let’s address them!!!


Ps: in The Experience videos, you hear me work through a lot of my own beliefs, fears and thoughts about MY business that holds me back. They're raw, vulnerable, unplanned and deep. Check out what @fluffmallowco says about it. You get it real from me because I know it'll help you greatly.

If you have ANY questions, send through a voice message either through Instagram or video/voice questions through the 'video ask' chat on the website so you can chat asynchronously.

You can find my Instagram at @chromaticalclub. I'm around and totally here to chat about whether this is right for you. Let me know.

Join The Experience

Smiles and oversized flowers,


MindsetTrish Martin