If people can build a successful business selling these things, your business can be successful too!

What do these three things all have in common…

  • Farts in a jar,

  • Bath water,

  • and poop in a box 😱

These are all things that people sell in their businesses…. successfully.

The other thing that they have in common, is it probably doesn't take them a great deal of time to create and sell.

So why can businesses like this make a living selling that kind of stuff, that takes almost no time to create, that really… anyone could do (gross but true).

Yet so many creative businesses put all their time, their love, their work and their energy into what they do and they still struggle to sell it?

There's a lot of reasons for this, but a lot of the time it comes down to the action they take, how they market themselves and how they price themselves.

I truly believe there's a successful business in ANYTHING (and I think this kind of proves it). Which means, you can hit WHATEVER goals you want once you nail your marketing strategy and your pricing.... and you take the action to do so!

There's so much to talk about on this topic, (And I talk about it a LOT in my programs like Chromatical Club's Business Boom and Price Perfect®)

I'd L.O.V.E to be able to help you market your business so that you can sell whatever you make, create, or do, JUST as well as the people who sell bath water, or farts in a jar do.

It’s all literally branding, marketing, pricing and strategy. All of the things I specialise in, and help businesses master!

So just know, that if they can sell that weird stuff, you can make even more sales/bookings selling your stuff... And I’m here to help you do just that.

Click here to check out Chromatical Club's Business Boom plan (Where I personally help you with custom marketing strategies each month to get you to whatever goal you're hoping to reach!)

Click here to check out Price Perfect (Where you learn how to make more profit AND more sales by pricing yourself perfectly!)