I'm quitting Instagram

You heard right. As of the first of the month, I'm strategically leaving Instagram…

For ALL OF JUNE! A whole month gawnnn. There's a reason though. Keep on reading.

I’m doing a massive marketing experiment. HUGE. I’ve never done this, I’ve never seen anyone do it before like this, and it’s BIG. SCARY. And pretty full on, even as a marketer!

It’s scary because Insta is where my people are. I’ve spent many years building this platform. It’s a huge reason I am where I am today, it’s a big part of how I generate revenue.

So to completely ditch it for a whole month? Well… it’s not comfortable. And no doubt it’s why so many of my clients also fear change too. So this experiment isn’t just for me, it’s for you. I want to see what happens so I can share it with you.

It could romp, or it could flop. Who knows if I don’t try!

I know the best things can happen when we push our boundaries and move past our discomfort. It ain’t easy, but if you don’t move past comfortable, it’s difficult to grow. And I want to grow. I've got big dreams so it's time to push.

If you don't already know, I'm a holistic marketer. Which means that I don’t solely use or teach one specific facet of marketing, I consider it to be just one piece of a much bigger puzzle.

And with Instagram (let’s be real) scrambling and changing so much, I wanted to put my marketers hat on and experiment so that I can help you even more with your holistic marketing strategy.

So what am I doing?

🌼I’m going all in on TikTok. ALL in. I’m also going to do daily TT updates on there about ditching Insta and sharing any changes, plans, happenings, and share an incredible amount of videos/tips etc to see what the impact of it could be

🌼I’m putting an even stronger focus on (good) emails. I’m basically moving to emails instead of Instagram and experimenting with different things that I think you'll like. I also have biggg promos and perks planned for next month that won’t be shared on Instagram. So if you’re signed up to my email list, you're definitely in the right place! You'll want to open my emails eeee.

🌼I’m documenting the process so that if anything does come from it, (because who even knows!) I can teach my learnings. I’m not the marketer I want to be if I wait for someone else to teach me things. I want to do the dirty work myself to see what’s possible. If I don’t take my own risks, why would I expect you to too? And why would you trust me to know the wealth of information I do if I don't trial and test things to get the real dirt!

What’s the point in ditching Instagram tho? Can't I do all this stuff and stay on Insta?

🌼For this to be a legit experiment, I need to go all in. There's no time to spread myself thinner. Something's got to give. There’s no time to do it all if I want to do it right.

🌼In order to rule out the possibility of Instagram playing a role in whatever results happen, I need to not use it! I want to show what's possible without it. With so many hackings happening, people losing their accounts, changes, loss of visibility, platform updates that don't suit everyone etc etc etc I want to play around and experiment with what can happen without depending on it because it's all very unknown when we rely on platforms we don't own

🌼I want to show that it’s okay to take time away from platforms as there's so much fear and pressure to be consistent and show up and such

🌼I want to show that it’s okay to take risks and experiment to find what strategy is right for you. It doesn't just have to be what everyone else is doing. You can write your own rules.

🌼I want to break my own routine, habits I have, and if I’m still dabbling on Insta, I can’t do that.

​So… if you're already on my email list, are you following me on TikTok yet?

NOTE: We’ll still be checking DM’s on Insta because it’s still a means of communication for me and my clients. But that's it. No engagement, no stories, no posts NUDDA.

Oh but there will still be my weekly post going up on @heckyestomarketing for my weekly episode (but it won’t be shared on my Chromatical account).

It’s going to be a WACKKKKY month!! So excited to experiment. It feels risky and daring which is right up my alley aha.

Glad you’re here to read this eeeee!

Let's see what this month entails - Excited, nervous, all the things!!


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