Brittany from Hearty Art Studio Case Study

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I’d like to introduce you to Brittany from Hearty Art Studio. She joined Chromatical Club on the 3rd of March 2020.

I reached out to Brittany because you can’t get a club member more creative than Brittany. She runs an art studio where she teaches workshops to kids and adults how to create and make! She is SUCH a colourful character who’s energy is contagious.

Brittany has taken everything the club offers into her knowledge belt and actioned it ALL. She has grown so so much and I absolutely LOVE watching her business flourish.

I hope you enjoy reading her club experience.

Watch this video of Brittany’s club experience


Why did you join Chromatical Club?

I love the brand that Trish has created!

I think I just felt like I could relate to her brand, the colourfulness, the fun, her personality, I felt drawn to it and Trish seemed so cool (and she really is!!!) Trish seemed really approachable when I came across her Instagram and I immediately felt comfortable.

I actually did a 1:1 session with Trish before I joined the club! I got so much value from our 1:1 session and decided to take the plunge in joining the club too! I knew how much Trish helped me 1:1 so I knew the club must be amazing too!

I think the main reason I wanted to join the club, was so that I could ask questions, I am so new in business and marketing, I wanted a space that I could ask a quick question and get answers and advice.

I also joined because I thought it was such an amazing price to pay to get access to Trish and all of the other amazing people in the club! It's ahhhmazing!!!! I am soooooo happy that I joined! Seriously!

What did you hope to achieve from joining?

I hoped to gain answers to my questions, I have definitely gotten that and way more!!!!

When I ask for advice or an opinion on something, I usually get soooooo much advice! Not just one liners, like paragraphs of info to help me! It really is soooo awesome!

I also joined as I wanted to learn more about marketing so I have found that all of the videos that Trish creates are really helpful too! I can watch them at any time! If I'm every struggling with something, I just search the videos and my questions are answered! It's like magic!

There is soooo much valuable info in these videos.

What were the biggest challenges you hoped the club could help with?

I think my biggest challenge so far that I wanted answers for was validating my online course idea! I had a brand new idea for an online course that I am working on, so I posed my idea to the club members.

I got sooooo many answers, ideas, advice, it was soooo helpful! I am now currently working on creating this course thanks to Trish and all of the amazing club members that offered me their advice and feedback.

What has been your prior experience with marketing?

I don't really have a lot of marketing experience, I have had a few side hustles before so I really just knew the basics, like how to create a website and how to post on Facebook and Instagram.

I've never invested in my marketing before. Not long after I started Hearty Art Studio, it really started to gain momentum so I had some extra money to put towards getting some help with my marketing!

I came across Trish and I couldn't wait to work with her! (I did a 1:1 session with Trish before I joined the club). I was more than happy to make the investment as I believe marketing is one of the MOST important parts any small business.

How has Chromatical Club helped you?

The club has also helped me to navigate through COVID as a small biz owner.

We had a few zoom calls during COVID and it really helped to keep me positive and also it helped give me ideas on how I could pivot my biz during this time.

I felt like I wasn't alone, others were in the same boat and understood.

If I didn't have the support from the club, I don't think my biz would have made it. I feel like I would have given up. Each and every club member is so inspirational, I feel like everyone is soooo supportive and this was totally evident during such tough times this year.

Has the club helped you more than you expected?

YES!!! I love the club sooo much!

Once I logged in for the first time I couldn't believe all of the info, resources, videos, amazing people!!!

I didn't expect sooo much amazing marketing info! It really has soooo much!

You can be new in the game or in biz for a while, there are tips and tricks for everyone! I was sooo impressed!

What results have you achieved since joining the club?

Definitely gaining confidence on stories and on social media. The wealth of knowledge I have gained and the friendships too.

I have grown in all areas of my biz, I think the biggest has been gaining instagram followers and gaining more engagement too.

I started with about 500 followers and I now have over 1400 followers.

My SEO has also improved too! I now have over 2000 clicks on google, driving traffic to my biz. (Not sure if this is the correct wording for this??) This is thanks to my SEO that I have implemented since joining.

I have had a number of outside organisations contact me to run art classes/workshops too (shopping centres, Brisbane City Council etc.), this is due to my online presence and discovering my biz online via social media. I have also recently posted my new online course idea to club members and I was given sooo much clarity and advice regarding my course topic!

The club members and Trish gave incredible amounts of info for my course idea which is soooooooo helpful! They also really validated the idea for me too! I am currently working on this course idea as we speak and I am super excited about it!

Do you think you'd be where you are now without the club?

No way! I think I'd be lost without the club! I feel at ease that I can always ask questions and get advice when I need it. I trust everyone in the club too.

How would you put a value on what the club has done for you and your business?


The Club has been the absolute best thing that I have invested in for my business!

The cost is sooooo little for all of the value that I get from my small investment each month! I'm a lifer! (Life time member! HAHA!)

I love that I can get personalised feedback and advice from so many amazing people! I have done online courses before, but you usually don't get access to the instructor if you have questions. The Club gives you all that and more!

What part of the club has surprised you the most?

I find the most value in being able to get advice and feedback to my questions. I love watching the videos that Trish creates and also where she does Q & A's with other amazing biz people too! Sooooo good!

Who would you recommend the club to?

Any small business owner that needs marketing help! No matter where you are in your small biz journey, there is value for EVERYONE!!!

I love the club and you MUST join! You will NOT regret it! Can't wait to meet you in the club!

What do you love about Chromatical Club?

I love the community, I feel sooo comfortable asking questions and even offering my own advice when it's needed too. I think I was also just so shocked as to how much info is available in the club.

You know most marketing memberships or courses that I have looked into before were thousands of dollars! For such a small cost each month, I can have access to sooo much information and also the expertise of some many incredible small business owners who are totally in the game too!

Lastly, can you tell us a little more about your businesses and where we can find you online?

Hey I'm Brittany, I'm the proud owner of Hearty Art Studio based in Brisbane!

I’m a fun loving art teacher, workshop facilitator, and passionate creative entrepreneur who is obsessed with inspiring creative thinkers.

We have been in business for about a year and a half now. Living my creative dream!

You can find me at: