How you can charge more for less just like how the small iPad is $250 more than the big iPad

So I invested in a new iPad.

"Who cares, Trish?" right? "Why is this your weekly article topic?"

Well, stick with me haha.

So a bit of a back story, I don't like bringing my laptop with me everywhere because it's too valuable. It has my ENTIRE business on it, which means anywhere I go I have to carry it on me because leaving it in the car is STRESSFULLLLLL.

The other issue is, it's big and heavy, so when I do lug it around I end up with back pain which means I usually end up just leaving it at home only to later find that (as always) I ended up needing it.

Now that my team is building, I don't have the option to leave my main work tool at home. I need to be able to access the tools I have on my laptop on a platform that is bigger than my phone.

So I invested in an iPad!


Are you still like 'I don't care Trish!'? Haha.

It's coming, I promise.

When I was researching iPads on JBHifi, I was like, 'Oh cool, there's there's an iPad here for $499. That sounds reasonable, I was expecting it to be to be like $900 or $1,000'.

So I waltzed in all perky, ready to snap up my new iPad, then I saw the smaller one which was way more practical, light, convenient, and it'd fit in my current bag. I thought 'and it's probably even cheaper because it's smaller'.



It was like $250 or $300 more to buy the smaller one.

That's what this article is about.

Are you the kind of person who thinks that if something takes you less time or is smaller in size that you should price it lower?

I know so many of my customers and clients reduce their prices when things take a smaller amount of time or are smaller in size. They think the smaller the offer, the smaller the product, or the easier the product is to create or deliver, the less it should cost.

But we often forget to include or even consider 'convenience'.

I paid $250 MORE for something that was smaller, but exactly the same internally. Because I needed small. I needed compact. I needed light. It was more convenient!

I paid MORE for convenience.

There's SO much value in small or fast stuff, but we often automatically think, "It needs to be bigger, it needs to be 'more' in order for me to justify the price, I need to give more, I need to give more time, I need to give more energy, I need to make this thing that I'm creating bigger and better and more intricate because otherwise it's not good enough".

Do you resonate with that at all? Have you found yourself saying things like that?

Well I challenge you to ask yourself....What if it's better because it's small? What if you could charge $250 more (like Apple), because it's smaller?

So when you're pricing your products or services, know that not always more is more.

There's so much value that comes from smaller things.

A smaller bag does not have to be a smaller price. A smaller bag can be way more convenient for someone doesn't want or need to lug around a giant bag.

A smaller pair of earrings can be higher value because they are light and don't get caught on things or simply suit that person more. Just because they're smaller doesn't mean they're less valuable. They're possibly more valuable to someone else because they're small.

A smaller artwork can be more valuable because it's specifically suited to people in small living spaces. An artwork that's simple and less intricate and detailed and takes you 2 hours could be worth the same price as one that takes you 10 because it suits someone who likes minimalistic decor. It holds more value to someone because it's simpler/cleaner/more minimalist.

A shorter course that produces the same result as a long one is more valuable to me because it saves me time, and time is the thing that I have the least of yet I need the most of, so if it saves me time I'll happily pay more.

The less tailored the dress (often meaning less time spent making it) the more value to someone else because they will know that it will fit them if they change shape over the years... you don't need to charge less because it is easier for you to make!

There is sometimes more value in less, and that shouldn't mean charging less. If anything you should increase your price JUST LIKE APPLE because it's more valuable. And this is something I know a lot of people need to be reminded of..... You are allowed to make a profit.

Remember... People pay for convenience. And sometimes convenience comes in a smaller package or smaller timeframe.

I just want you to keep this in mind as you're looking at your stuff, as you're creating new offers or as you're pricing your things, because sometimes the small things really are worth more.

I soooo hope this inspires you.