16 prompts to check-in on yourself and your business, to make sure you're not just on autopilot but actually LOVING it

Today I want to ask you some questions to help you step out of your regular day to day business routine and check in with yourself and your business to see what's going on. To take some time to step off the hamster wheel and have a sip of water you know? These are just for yourself. No one will see them. So dig out a notebook or a notes file on your computer, however you work best, and get stuck in!

These are the sorts of questions that I wish someone would prompt me with and I hope that they are questions that will help you too! (I'm going to be answering them myself - It's about time I did my own little check in!)

The reason I’m asking them is because a lot of the time we are on autopilot in our businesses. We're 'doing doing doing' all the time and we forget to do certain things in our business that can move us forward. If you've watched my free masterclass on how to go from winging it to growing it you'll know what I'm talking about with all the 'doing doing doing'.

Then, after so much autopilot hamster wheeling, another year has passed, we haven’t grown how we wanted to, we haven’t achieved the things that we want to yet, or we HAVE achieved the things we wanted to but we haven't recognised them, or we feel flat because we are doing the same thing all the time and we just don’t have that same spark that we used to.

So I wanted to reach out with a few questions that you can pick and choose from (or do them all) to spark some interesting conversations with yourself.

You have to know where you are, in order to get to where you want to go, and that’s what some of these questions are here to prompt you on. You can also look back on your answers in the future to see your actual growth!! These sorts of q’s are so cool to look back at and actually see 'woah I can't believe I was there!

So do me a huge favour and flag this email or at least copy these questions into a document somewhere so that you can refer to them and find this again.

  1. How are you feeling in your business at the moment? Think about this in a deeper way than just saying an automatic ‘good’. How are you actually feeling?

  2. If those feelings are positive (like, motivated, excited, energised), what can you do to remember these feelings and stay in this zone? What are you doing to create these feelings so that you can repeat them again when things might not be going as well?

  3. If any of those feelings aren’t positive (Like, overwhelmed, stressed, burnt-out etc) what sorts of things would change that for you? What's causing you to feel this way?

  4. What are your current website analytics saying? (When did you last even look at them?) Do an analytics review and see what’s working for you and what’s not.

  5. Where are your current subscribers or follower numbers at? How does that number compare to one month, six months, one year ago etc?

  6. If you’re in a launch phase or finished one recently, how did it perform? Do a review of what happened/what you're doing, and see what you can optimise or change next time.

  7. Do a little audit of your main marketing platforms (socials, email, ads, SEO etc) How are they going? What’s working? What's not working? What’s getting opened? What’s growing? What could do with some love? What’s missing that could next level it?

  8. Where is your revenue currently at, and how does that compare to one month, six months, one year ago etc? How much of that is profit?

  9. What has moved your business forward the most over the past [insert time here] amount of time? How can you do more of that and less of the things that aren’t working for you? (EG was it emails, but you’re still focusing on Instagram, or was it working with a business coach but you’ve gone back to winging it).

  10. What isn’t working for you at the moment? Do a bit of an audit and see why that might be the case.

  11. What are your biggest obstacles in business at the moment and what are some things that would help you move past them?

  12. What’s something you last did for yourself outside of business that made you feel good?

  13. What are you prioritising in your business? Are they the fun shiny things? The ones that ‘move the needle’? The development things? The difficult/boring things that you know are important to get your business where you want it to go. Is this balanced or do you need to make some changes?

  14. What currently motivates you in business? How can you hold onto that feeling? How can you use that feeling to help you grow your business?

  15. What feeds you in business? What parts fill you with joy? How can you get more time to do those things?

  16. What’s one thing you can do right now to make a positive difference to you or your business? (It doesn’t have to be big, but it can be! Or it could simply be… take a break and have a cup of tea!)


Spend some time on these, add new questions in that relate more to you and where you’re at, but use this email as if I’m bossing you around and giving you a task to do haha. Sometimes we need someone to ask us the difficult questions, I’m happy to be that person haha.

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