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Why you need a ‘reviews strategy’ in place

👎🏻1 star Google Review. “They didn’t put a lemon wedge in but otherwise ok”…. seriously? 🍋

There are people in this world (and lots of them) who are soooo mad inside for not getting a lemon wedge (and other just as silly things) that they feel the need to log on and leave a cruddy review that could affect a businesses reputation.

“88% of consumers trust user reviews as much as personal recommendations” – Source: Hubspot. 

If you haven’t got a strategy in place to get reviews and you have a sucky collection of lemon ones there, biz might get tough.

So this week I urge you to do TWO things to not just protect your brand, but to help it grow (because good reviews help your business), and to help others grow too.

⭐️1. Set up a process to ask for product or service reviews for your business on a reputable platform, like Google maps (Google my business) or Facebook.
This shouldn’t be a once a year call out for reviews and defffinitely shouldn’t be friends and family writing them (seriously don’t do that it’s against ts&cs).

Set this up as part of your selling/booking process so even if a lemon of a customer who didn’t get a lemon with their order feels the need to leave a crap review, it doesn’t make a dint in your awesome reputation because amongst all your rave reviews they just look like a sooky clown.

⭐️2. Start your own strategy to leave reviews to good businesses you love. The people you’ve worked with and the brands you’ve brought products from. Stalk them out and give them some love. Because then when they then get a lousy review from someone for something silly, it is balanced out by your love and they’ll be eternally grateful.
Let me know how you go! 

PS: Yes I own a hot chips sweatshirt 👊🏻🍟 and no I didn’t write this ludicrous review 😂.