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Popcorn is prepared in the same pot, in the same heat, and in the same oil, yet the kernels do not all pop at the same time. Don't compare yourself to others. Your turn to pop is coming

So this week my 3 day Level-Up-Athon event started!!!

This is what it meant for me 😂

  1. If you haven't ever prepared for a live 3 day event before can I just say WOWWWW did I underestimate the time it'd take me, when like 2 seconds ago I was like 1 day pftttt make it 3 Trish, can't be that much more work!! #regretforme #yayforthosecomingthough

  2. Because I definitely overestimated my time to plan for this (and because I can't ever do something simply) I've been working till midnight most nights for the past week working on it. And I'm really upset at myself for it because I had got really good at making sure I stick to my work boundary hours and this kind of all buggered it up.

  3. At least though, I knew that this week would be too busy to spend 3-4 hours writing my weekly email so I had a juicy little nugget saved for this exact moment!

  4. This Wednesday weekly value email is always set to go out at 11am on Wednesdays which means literally right now I'm saying hello to everyone in my level-up-athon!! (If you've got a ticket that's a fun friendly reminder to get out of this email and into the workshop haha) and also you can still come along if you want - Click here and you can catchup on the replays.

So this email will be nice, short(er) and sweet because I want to share that little quote nugget that I mentioned above as I think it'll inspire a lot of you and maybe (hopefully) that's exactly what you needed to hear today.

So the quote is....

“Popcorn is prepared in the same pot, in the same heat, and in the same oil, yet the kernels do not all pop at the same time. Do not compare yourself to others. Your turn to pop is coming”

It’s not my quote, I saw it for the first time in a Facebook group the other day and thought it was such a good analogy for business and feel that so many people will relate to it regardless of the level you are in business.

I have clients who are 3,5,10+ years into business, wildly (in many people's eyes) successful, have a team of staff, a thriving business and they still compare themselves to others, feel like they're not reaching their goals as fast as others in their industry, and they feel like everyone but them are popping.

So this quote isn't just for new businesses wanting to grow. This is for anyone who is comparing themselves to others and feeling like where they want to be, is never going to happen.

It speaks such truths!

Even though it's not my quote, I do also want to add my own part to this analogy... (I was meant to stop this 'short' email there but I felt this coming so had to keep typing haha #typicaltrish)

Because the thing is, it's all well and good to chase the pop and know it's coming... But if you don't know what your 'pop' is, how will you know you've popped or not?

Like, if your pop (goal) is to 'be successful', and you haven't defined what success is to you, you might be chasing that forever and feeling like you're never getting anywhere when you actually are.

Times when I have worked with clients who felt like they were 'never going to be successful' and I asked 'what's successful to you?' when they told me, I showed them that they've already done what they had described. They just didn't realise they were chasing something that wasn't measurable which meant they were feeling deflated and stuck for so long when they were actually popping all over the place.

I find that we often move on from our wins and successes to something new way too quickly. As soon as we have a win of any kind, we chase the next thing without giving ourselves a second to realise we just POPPED (achieved our goal)!!!

We just 'throw more kernels into the pan' (so to speak) at the next level, for the next goal and then get disappointed yet again seeing others around us doing things faster.

If you don't define your goals, where you want to go, or what 'your pop is,' how will you know you've done it or not. You might always just be feeling like poo because you haven't popped yet because your goals weren't specific. You just said 'I want to be successful' but you hadn't defined it. So you were always chasing an impossible goal and would always feel down or frustrated because you hadn't popped.

It's soooo important to set really specific goals. In our Chromatical Club monthly goal setting workshops, we work by the 'SMART' Goals method which is just ridiculously helpful for helping us recognising whenever we pop! If you're in The Club come along sometime because shittttt, I bet you've popped so many times and you didn't even know.

But also... if you haven't popped on your goals, if you've still got that goal dangling in front of you (or you're an un-popped kernel in a pan with other popped ones) then know... your time will come!!! Keep going, you're doing amazing.

I hope that next time you find yourself comparing yourself to others, you remember this popcorn analogy - and my little add-on bit too. Even print it out and stick it somewhere because you don’t deserve the pressure you put on yourself by trying to pop the same as everyone else.

I told you this email today would be short and sweet! Well... shorter I guess... I can't seem to do short short. I try 😂

I reckon this might just be what some people need to hear right now, so I saved the quote for today when I knew I wouldn’t have time to write my regular big emails.... yet somehow it still turned out to be biggish ahahha. Oh well.

If you’re feeling a bit stuck and you missed out on the 3 day Level-Up-Athon, make sure to check out my free masterclass! ‘Go from winging your business to growing it’