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Day 2/5 of big announcements - Introducing Strategy Sauce

It’s day 2/5 of big announcements, and they are big.

Firstly: If you didn’t read yesterday’s email, go back and read it first, or click here to read the blog version of it.

I mentioned that Chromatical Club will be closing its doors in April 2023 (in 7 months) and you have until September 30 to get IN there to lap up and absorb EVERYTHING you can before doors close for good in April. Click here to join

What’s coming next is HUGE and very different and I’m about to reveal ALL!

The new format and structure that's coming completely aligns with my life, and it is on a whole new level that will deliver massive transformations to those who take action in there.

You might have even been following me on socials or reading my emails, waiting for me to release an offer that's more high-level.... Well it’s COMING.

I’m launching Strategy Sauce™, my signature membership, early next year.

Strategy Sauce™ is a high-level membership for entrepreneurs who offer digital products like courses, memberships, group programs, workshops etc. and need spicy strategies to help them reach their big goals. Whether they be more profit, impact, freedom or a combination of them all.... AND... my strategies will help you achieve these goals WITHOUT relying on live launches.

It will be an ever-growing library of marketing strategies, tactics, funnels, strategic ideas, and processes, that will show you all different ways you can attract, convert and retain clients without attracting burnout at the same time.

Why run 1 or 2 launches a year when you have 365 opportunities to sell?

Here’s some truth bombs for you 💣

  • You can make more revenue than you would live launching with the right strategies in place to sell your digital product all year round

  • Ditching live launching doesn’t mean you have to market yourself all year round - There are evergreen strategies that will do your marketing for you so you don’t burnout

  • People don’t want to wait 6 months or a year for you to open your doors. They’re ready now (you just need the right strategies to attract and convert them)

  • What if your live launch timing is wrong? What if there's a pandemic? Or war, fire/flood, illness at that time? And that was your main revenue driver for the year?

Strategy Sauce™ is designed knowing you don’t have much time. So there’s no fluff, it’s come in, pick a strategy, work through the content and start taking action yourself, our outsource the tasks to your team or contractors.

Click here to check out what it’s all about and join the waitlist.

There will also be a new Chromatical community called “Heck yes to Strategy”.

It’ll be free to join for anyone who sells a digital product (a course/membership/group program etc) and who wants to build a hive of strategic minds around them in a brainy community of other clever business owners.

It will be very different to Chromatical Club. This community will be more like what you know a Facebook group to be… (Though not on Facebook).

Having a community where I get to enjoy serving without it being my core offering, and where I’m able to take rest time and holidays (I’ve never done that eeek) is something that excites me like nothing else.

So without further ado, I’d love to introduce you to the new direction that Chromatical is taking. The signature membership that will be available in 2023. Strategy Sauce.

I’m so ready for Chromatical and Strategy Sauce™ to be known as the place entrepreneurs come when they’re wanting to generate more revenue and make more impact without relying on live launching.

Click here to check out Strategy Sauce

And GET ON THE WAITLIST if this is up your alley.

I’ll be launching at a founding members price while it’s new, but the price will go up.

So if you want to be first in and lock in your price, get on that list ya’ll.

You might also notice some changes in my branding around my website too!

Now that I’m making announcements it’s, all starting to happen.

Lots of development happening behind the scenes while I make sure I help Chromies kick butt inside Chromatical Club

Bring on the launch!

Tomorrow’s email is about MY SHOP! and there’s a HUGE sale coming, so you’ll definitely want to keep a lookout for that!

PS: Here's a visual timer for how long is left to join Chromatical Club if you want help from me and my team for 7 more months as it won't be available after April 2023. This is literally your last chance to get my help in this very personal capacity.

Join The Club for the last time

Exciting times ahead

Trish x